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Our Class


Based on our School Virtues...

Room 15 Class Treaty

 ruma tiriti 15 piha haapiiraa

Let’s make this class the best it can be


  1. Show respect to teachers, myself and others.

  2. Use my manners when I speak and have a good attitude.

  3. Be cooperative with everybody and don’t disturb the learning  of others.

  4. Stay focused and complete work without wasting time.

  5. Be responsible for the actions I take.

  6. Take pride in my books and keep them neat.

  7. Complete all set work to the best of my ability.

  8. All work has to be handed in on time.

  9. Keep the environment (inside and out) tidy. Put rubbish in the bin.

  10. Push chairs in and put all stationery away when moving from my desk.

  11. Be punctual to class and assemblies.

  12. Display the Somerville Code of Ethics at all times.

  13. Be organised and have your books ready in the morning.


Digital Citizenship


Room 15 - 2016

Somerville Intermediate School

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