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HL Week 4 & 5 - Sustainability

This week for Home Learning we will begin doing some work around 'sustainability'.

1. Sustainability: Home & School (Due Friday 4th March)

Follow the instructions below carefully as you work through this assignment. You will need to be creative as you think of solutions to combat unsustainable practices you see at home and at school. Your ideas could make a real difference - so do your best!

Presentation is up to you, but it has to look organised and professional.

(This has also been sent to your 'Home Learning' folder in Google Drive)

2. Tread Lightly Caravan Homework Sheet - Pre Visit (Due Tuesday 23rd February)

You have been given an activity to do in preparation for our TLC session on Tuesday 23rd February.

All you need to do is ask your parents/caregivers about anything you aren't sure of, fill out the answers on the sheet and bring it back to school with you on Tuesday.

Knowing how to spell your home address correctly will be very important for one of the activities at TLC.

3. Spelling

You know the drill by now. Write your list for 'Term 1 - Week 4' in your Spelling Notebooks. Get tested at home at least once during the week. Be ready for our class test on Friday!

4. Any Tech/Spec Home Learning?

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