T3 W5 - Olympic Gold Medal Challenge
Due: Monday 29th August
Speech Week!
Good luck to everyone this week. I'm looking forward to hearing your amazing speeches!
*Presentation days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Please email me if you would like to present in the first round on Tuesday. You still need to be prepared to present on any given day. Names will be selected randomly.
Don't forget your cue cards!!
1. Olympic Gold Medal Challenge
This week you may need to take your Integrated Learning Books to and from school to complete your tasks.
*Challenges are to be completed in the ALJ section of your books. Presentation counts!
Week 5 - Complete two challenges from 'Knowledge':
Make a start on your choice of two tasks from 'Comprehension':
Hand in for marking before moving to a new row.
You can keep a tally of your points on your Olympic Goole Doc.
You will have a few 'in class' sessions this week to work on your challenges.
2. Spelling
spellingcity.com is a great way to learn your spelling words.
Please learn your definitions this week!
3. Maths Buddy
Complete all tasks for Friday.
Have a great week!