T4 (W7-W10) - Genius Hour
Hi Room 15,
Here is our Home Learning plan for the remainder of the term.
Every Week:
- Choose 10 spelling words from your spelling lists.
- Record in spelling notebooks.
- Home test twice a week.
- Partner test on Friday Block 1.
- Partner test.
- Record scores.
- Aim for an 80% success rate or higher.
Genius Hour
This is the bulk of the Home Learning for the rest of the term. Since we have had a few weeks of interrupted time due to Odyssey Practises etc, there is still plenty to do on your Genius Hour/Passion Projects. We will have a minimum of one block per week (usually Monday Block 3), to work on your Passion Projects. The rest needs to be done at home.
- Spend 30 mins minimum reading per week on 'ReadTheory' and answering the follow up questions. This could be done during SSR time as well if you have a device.
- Please make sure you are recording what you are doing each night in your Home Learning Diaries, getting a signature from Mum or Dad to show they have seen your work.
Ocean Inquiry Presentations
Over the next two weeks you will each be presenting your Research Assignments to the class. Make sure you have shared you links on the 'Hand In' Doc and that your Docs/slideshows are in your ALJ folder.
Here is the order you will be presenting in:
Week 7
Tuesday - Aditi, Paige, Lisa & Ze En, Reece, Mercedes
Wednesday - Lydia, Shayna, Dawson, Lucy
Thursday - James, Matthew, Chantal, Tracy
Week 8
Tuesday - Grace, Brayden, Yi Xiao, Ryan, Hannah, Sophie, Jackson
Wednesday - Joseph, Kyra, Kendra, Connor, Suzu
Thursday - Hamza, Nadia, Sarah, Azhar
Any questions, please ask!
Mr McPhail