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T3 W2 - Speeches

1. Speeches

Last term you put together a list of topics you would be interested in speaking about. This week you need to have a look at the options you listed and narrow down on your topics. Your speech preferably needs to be either an 'Entertaining' or 'Persuasive' speech. If you would like to do an informative speech, please see me first.

We will be doing a lot of work together in class in preparation for speeches, but the majority of the speech writing will be your responsibility.

Please fill out the information in the Doc 'Class Speech Topics 2016'. This has been shared with you.

*Speeches will most likely be happening in Week 4.

2. Grammar Flip

This week you have Tasks 2 & 3 to complete. Each task has a writing follow up which can be done on a Google Doc or in the front on your Integrated learning book.

Aim for 80%-100% for each task.

3. Spelling

Head to to learn this week's words. You can type in your list and test yourself throughout the week (words are case sensitive).

4. Maths Buddy

Complete tasks set by your maths teacher.

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Room 15 - 2016

Somerville Intermediate School

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