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T4 W1 - Book Trailer

Hi Room 15,

Hope you enjoyed a well deserved break and are ready to finish the year strong!

We will be structuring our Home Learning programme differently this term.

We will start with a two week group assignment. Due date: Monday 24th October.

Follow the guidelines below. You will need to communicate with group members to ensure you are all contributing to the Trailer.


See website for inspiration:

Have a look through these Book Trailer exemplars.

You will need to work in your novel study groups for this activity.

1. Watch exemplars to give you some ideas (notice the type of language they use - they are trying to hook you in without giving crucial information away)

2. Begin drafting a script. Discuss. Make changes. Decide on your speakers.

*You should create a shared Google Doc to manage your script.

3. Find images that fit your script

*You could insert these in order into the same Google Doc.



- Must feature two voices minimum

- Needs to have a quiet backing track & sound effects


- You must include a range of images (photos) that fit the tone of your book trailer

- Images must line up to what you are narrating (timing is crucial)

- Must include a title and image of your book cover as an introduction

- Include credits


- Must be 1:00 - 1:30 in length

- Presentation must fit the tone of your book

- If there are any catch phrases or inside jokes throughout your book, try to include these in your presentation (E.g. if you were doing a trailer for Star Wars, you might start by saying "In a galaxy far, far away...")

Your trailer can be made on iMovie or if you know of another suitable program you can request use of it.

We will have two in-class sessions to give your group time to discuss and work on your trailer.

Session 1:

Wednesday 12th October - Block 1 (Reading Time)

Suggestion: Use this time to discuss your ideas, come up with some group roles and create a plan. Then use your own time over the next week to work on the shared Google Doc.

Session 2:

Wednesday 19th October - Block 1 (Reading Time)

Suggestion: Use this time to start recording your script and setting up your chosen images on your slideshow/iMovie. It is then up to you to tweak your iMovie, ready for the following Monday.

Please see me if you have any questions!


New Home Learning Structure:

From Week 3, you will be given the opportunity to opt in to an 'Optional Fortnightly Assignment'. There is no obligation to do it, but if you decide to take part, you need to give it your best effort.

There is still the expectation of doing approximately 40 minutes of home learning 4 nights per week. Those who are not taking part in the assignment will be keeping a reading log. Those taking part will also keep a reading log, but can balance your time between your other tasks.

So... from Monday Week 3 you each need to have a novel that is at your level and one that you will aim to finish. We will be in the library next week so you can look for one then if you need to.

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