T3 W6 - Gold Medal Challenge - Application
Hi Room 15,
We are making good progress on our ALJ Olympic Gold Medal Challenge. Keep up the great work! There will be a few 'in class' session this week to work on your ALJ, but you may need to take your book home to complete the challenges.
Due: Monday 5th September
1. Gold Medal Challenge - Application
Your first two rows should be nearly complete (Knowledge, Comprehension). There are some good points up for grabs on the 'Application' row this week.
*Back of your Integrated Learning Books. Presentation counts!
Which two will you choose??
2. Grammar Flip
Two tasks this week + writing activities to be completed on your Grammar Flip Slideshow:
Linking Verbs
Verb Phrases
We will mark your work on Monday Week 7!
3. Spelling
Some tricky words this week! Learn all words and definitions for next Monday. Remember to check out spellingcity.com!
4. Maths Buddy
Complete all tasks set by your maths teacher.
Please see me if you have any questions. Have a great week!