T3 W8 - Novel Study Assignments (continued...)
Hi Room 15,
Here are your Week 8 Home Learning Tasks:
1. Novel Study Assignment
Above is an example of a well presented Novel Study Assignment. This was done by a primary school student (as you might be able to tell from the level/amount of writing), so I know that I can expect more from you as Year 7s.
Start thinking of creative ways you could present your Character Profile, your timelines, and your specific novel tasks. These will be displayed on our walls for Odyssey Evening in Term 4.
You need to continue your work in class and at home, making sure you are reading the questions carefully so you know what is required. I will be working with individuals throughout the week to check on your progress.
Please see me or email me if you need any support.
2. Grammar Flip
*To be set when site maintenance is complete.
3. Spelling
Learn weekly words and definitions:
4. Maths Buddy
Complete all set tasks.
5. E-Portfolios
You will need to 'Make a copy' of your spelling and basic facts charts for Term 3.