HL Week 6 - ePortfolio Launch!!
Hi Room 15,
Our ePortfolio Launch Day is happening some time in Week 7! Before next Friday we need a few pieces of work uploaded so that we are prepared.
Here's what you need to have ready for Friday 11th March:
1. E-Portfolio
- All About Me
In this section on the left of your ePortfolio, you need to create and import a cartoon photo of yourself. Secondly, you need to write up a short blurb about yourself - remember to welcome people to your ePortfolio!
- Numeracy
In class we will go over how to edit and upload your Basic Facts Speed & Accuracy charts. You can keep these two charts updated with your scores and times each month.
*Remember to ask your maths teacher for your Jan & Feb tests.
- Literacy
Spelling: Update your spelling scores from Week 2 - Week 5 and insert the chart in your Literacy Tab.
- Year 7 Goals
Once we have finished our SOLO SMART Goals worksheet in class, you are going to upload your own SMART Goal for Term 1 under your 'Year 7 Goals' page. I will go over this with you next week.
- Tech
Do you have any photos or work from your tech classes to upload? It could be a good idea to create a Google Slide with your tech work and add to it as you go through each programme.
2. Maths Buddy
Complete the tasks from your maths teacher for Week 6.
3. Spelling
Get tested at least once at home this week. Learn definitions ready for your test on Friday.
I was very impressed with all of your Sustainability Projects. Keep up the excellent quality of work, Room 15!