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HL Week 7 - My Sustainability Journey

Hi Room 15,

This week you are going to write about your Sustainability Journey.

You need to create a Google Doc to upload to your e-Portfolio (under your ALJ tab).

Due: Friday 18th March


Page 1 (title page):

Heading: My Sustainability Journey (or an appropriate heading of your choice)

You need to include images that relate to sustainability. I have added each of you to a shared album of the photos from TLC.

Page 2:

Thinking back to our time at the Tread Lightly Caravan, you need to answer the following questions in paragraphs (the questions do not need to be written on your Doc).

Here is the layout:

On the top of Page 2 you need to insert your 'pledge photo' and the TLC logo (as shown below). You need to go into Drive, click 'Shared with me', and find the album 'Tread Lightly Caravan'.

Heading: TLC Journal

P1 - Introduction - who, what, when etc

P2 - What did I enjoy the most?

P3 - What did I learn?

P4 - Did it make me think differently?

P5 - Conclusion: So what?

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