HL Week 11 - Camp Diaries
Hi Room 15,
Hope you had a great time at camp last week!
For Home Learning this week, you need to complete the following tasks:
1. Diaries
Part 1:
Because of our limited 'diary writing' time at camp, use this week to record a few diary entries. Remember what Mr Hamilton says - you will look back on this in years to come and maybe even show your grandkids!
Remember to include highlights and important details from each day.
*You may want to include some photos on each page.
Part 2:
Extension - If you want to push yourself, continue working on the study questions from page 11.
2. Spelling
Learn your spelling words for this week. We will be testing on Thursday! Don't forget your definitions...
3. Maths Buddy
Complete this week's tasks set by your maths teacher.
4. Read
Spend 10 - 15 minutes a day reading a text of your choice.
5. Information Reports
If you don't manage to get through what we are doing in class, please take the initiative to catch up at home.
Day 1 - Monday
Using the ‘Graphic Organiser’ (in your Writing folder), copy and paste information from at least 3 different sources that are linked to your 3 different paragraphs e.g. history, how it works, pros and cons.
Highlight key words from your copied sentences e.g. topic related words/technical language.
Day 2 - Tuesday
Hamburger Planner:
Using the exemplar as a guide, fill in your own Hamburger Planner using the information you found on Day 1.
Day 3 - Wednesday
Now that you’ve finished your Hamburger Plan, begin rewriting your information in your own words. This needs to be done on refill.
Intro/Classification - Big ideas: What will your report be about?
P1 - History of your chosen power source
P2 - How it works
P3 - Pros and Cons
Conclusion/Summary - Final statement/s about your energy source
Day 4 - Thursday
Self/Peer Feedback
Self assessment - Fix up any spelling or punctuation errors with a red pen.
Peer feedback/Buddy sharing - Using a green pen, underline spelling errors, circle punctuation errors. Conference with Buddy to make sure you know what you need to do. “C2B4U”
Fix up your own work based on your self assessment and buddy feedback.
Two medals and a mission - two positive comments, one constructive feedforward comment. This needs to be based on the Success Criteria.
Show/share with Mr McPhail.
You’re draft is done!
All due: Friday 15th April