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T2 W2 - Thinking Hats

HOME LEARNING WEEK 2 TERM 2 (Due Friday 13th May)

1. News Article

This week as part of our ALJ exploration we are going to explore the fertile question:

'What can we do today to ensure a better tomorrow? '

The following tasks will relate to this and will involve you thinking in a logical way. This task will involve you unpacking a newspaper article of your choice [related to science in some way]. You will use some of the six thinking hats. Follow this process:

Step 1

Choose a newspaper article [any newspaper] that is in some way related to science or technology [environment, health, energy, recycling, reusing, reducing, inventions etc]

Step 2

Glue article and answer questions in back of ALJ book / Copy link to article and answer questions on a google doc (home learning folder)

Step 3

Unpack the article using the following hats [each hat will be the heading for that task].

White Hat

What is the article about [what, where, when, why, who, how]. Provide an overview of the article in your own words.

Red Hat

What do you feel about the article? Does it inspire you? Does it make you angry? Does it make you want to do something? Justify your feelings – why do you feel that way?

Black Hat

What are the negatives about the article? Is there anything that is bad [not how it is written but rather what it is about].

Yellow Hat

What are the positives about the article? Is there anything that is good [not how it is written but rather what it is about].


  • All tasks to be completed under each relevant heading.

  • All tasks completed in ALJ book or Google Doc.

  • No grammar/spelling mistakes.

  • All questions to be answered in depth with accurate information in your own words.


Extension – Green Hat

If your article is about a solution to a problem, create an alternative solution. If your article is purely about a problem, then create a solution to this problem. In each scenario use your creative genius [no creative boundaries in place]. Include a diagram, labels and at least 2 paragraphs explaining how your solution works.

2. Reading

This week you will need to challenge yourself with reading your fictional novel every night. You will need to keep a reading log. STAR Awards for those who get their reading log signed and make a great effort to read for enjoyment in their own time. Your reading log [in your diary] needs to be signed every night.

3. Spelling

– Learn Week 2's spelling words. Great work last week!

- [check out for extra practise]

Make sure any maths homework is completed by its due date.

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Room 15 - 2016

Somerville Intermediate School

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