T2 W4 Digital Citizenship - Module 2!!
Due: Friday 27 May
1. Digital Passport: Privacy
Essential Question: What information is safe and smart to put online?
You will...
• reflect on the benefits of sharing online, while acknowledging that information can spread fast and far
• classify information that should be kept private online
• predict the effect that an online post or message might have on someone’s reputation.
Game: Share Jumper
Estimated time: 20 minutes
In this game you will read a variety of online posts and jump to the ones that seem safe, smart, and respectful. Log into the Digital Passport and play Share Jumper.
Privacy Mission
Estimated time: 30 minutes
In your Home Learning Folder, find the doc called 'Privacy Mission'. You will read short scenarios about online sharing and create comic strips to show alternative endings. Like last week, be creative in the way you turn this worksheet into a slideshow. You can create the comics digitally or take photos of hand drawn comics.
Remember, all you need to do is add new slides on the end of your Module 1 slides and call it 'Module 2 - Privacy'. Any questions, please ask.
Extension: You may wish to use www.powtoon.com to create an animated comic. If this is what you'd like to do, simply copy and paste the link into your slideshow.
2. Reading
You should each be in the process of reading a novel. Each day, record the time spent or chapters read in your diary. Aim for 15 minutes a day minimum.
3. Spelling
Learn Week 4 spelling words and definitions. Get tested at home at least twice this week. Test on Friday.
4. Maths Buddy
Complete weekly Maths Buddy Tasks.