T2 W5 Digital Citizenship - Module 3!!
Due: Thursday 2nd June
1. Digital Passport - Cyberbullying (E-volve)
In this week's task you need to make choices about what to do if you or your friends are cyberbullied. This module encourages you to "evolve" into an “Upstander” – someone who takes action to stop cyberbullying, rather than standing by. Students will:
compare different forms of cyberbullying and the roles of those involved.
interpret scenarios that illustrate how targets of cyberbullying feel.
identify ways to be an “Upstander” when cyberbullying occurs.
Essential Question: How can you become an Upstander when you see cyberbullying occur?
Game: E-volve
Estimated time: 20 minutes
Read the scenarios about cyberbullying and make choices about what they would do next. The wiser and braver your choices, the more the game characters grow and “evolve.”
Login to www.digitalpassport.org and play three rounds of E-volve.
Cyberbullying Mission
Estimated time: 20 minutes
On your slideshow, create fortune cookie messages from Upstanders to cyberbullies, targets, and bystanders. This mission requires you to think deeply about the best things to say to these different people. If cyberbullying is something you have never experienced, think of a time where you may have seen bullying occur in another setting to help you craft your writing. (Mission is in your Home Learning folder)
Wrap Up
Estimated time: 5 minutes
On your final slide, reflect on the meaning of cyberbullying, and what you would do if you encounter it.
Cyberbullying: 9 tips (a helpful website)
2. Reading
You should each be in the process of reading a novel. Each day, record the time spent or chapters read in your diary. Aim for 15 minutes a day minimum.
3. Spelling
Learn Week 5 spelling words and definitions. Get tested at home at least twice this week. Test on Friday.
4. Maths Buddy
Complete weekly Maths Buddy Tasks.
Please remember to use your school diaries as an organisational tool this week. Plan out your week to ensure your home learning tasks are completed on time. You can show your parents what you have achieved each day and get it signed off.