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T2 W6 Digital Citizenship - Module 4!!

Due: 10th June 2016

Hi Room 15,

Big week ahead! Remember to use your diaries each day to keep on top of your workload.

1. Digital Citizenship - Search Shark

In this week's game and mission, you will learn how to choose effective keywords for searching online. Practice selecting keywords that are most relevant to a search prompt.

You will:

  • learn how keywords can help them find information online.

  • evaluate keywords for their relevance and helpfulness.

  • practice identifying the most effective keywords for different search scenarios.

Essential Question: Why is it important to choose the right keywords when you search online?


Estimated time: 15 minutes

In this game you have to operate a “Search Shark” who has an appetite for only the best keywords that swim around him. Log into the Digital Passport and play three rounds of Search Shark independently.

Search Mission:

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Add this mission into your Digital Citizen slideshow. Remember that I am looking for a high standard of work. Practice identifying multiple, descriptive keywords to help narrow your online searches. You will need to complete the second part of this mission with a family member or friend.

*See if you can choose a word relating to your ALJ research topic.

2. Matariki Kite Flying

On Friday this week, we will be celebrating the Maori New Year. Its a bit of a tradition here at Somerville, to design and build our own kites to fly. If you have any materials you wish to recycle at home (clear plastic bags, drinking straws, decorative/lightweight items etc), you can bring them into school on Wednesday.

I have a straightforward design you can follow which has worked well in the past, or you can choose to research your own design if you'd prefer.

I will let you know more about this on Tuesday - Kite flying will take place with all of Year 7 on Friday.

3. Reading

Continue reading your novels each day and record a reading log in your diaries.

4. Spelling

5. Maths Buddy

Complete all Week 6 tasks set by your maths teacher.

6. E-Portfolios

Just a reminder... Here is a list of everything that should be on your E-Portfolio:

Year 7 Goals:

- Term 1 SMART Goal with Reflection. Did you achieve your goal? Is there something you could still improve on?


-Sustainability Journal


-Basic Facts Speed/Accuracy charts (up to date)


-All tech documents/photos uploaded

- Gummy Bear Fair Testing (uploaded with photos and a reflection - What did you learn about the fair testing model, what did you enjoy? etc)

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Room 15 - 2016

Somerville Intermediate School

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