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T2 W8 Heroes

Due: Friday 24th June

1. Heroes

At our Assembly this week, Mrs Ready spoke to us about heroes. She mentioned that not all heroes wear capes.

Hero: noun

a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.

Below are a few people you may recognise. They have each been a hero in their own unique way. They were brave, showed integrity, and looked for opportunities to help people in need.

Watch this inspiring video of how one girl's life was changed because one person decided to make a stand and do the right thing.

Essay Task

This week, your homework is to think of someone in your own life who has been a hero to you. The person may be someone you have never met, but they have still inspired you in some significant way. It could also be someone that you know very well. For example, a family member, coach, friend etc.

In your essay, you need to provide the following information:

- a brief overview of your hero (who they are, what they do, any interesting facts)

- What is it exactly that makes them a hero to you?

- How does this person inspire you in your own life?

- How could you be a hero to somebody else?

You have a choice to complete this as a Doc in your Home Learning Folder or in the Health section (centre) of your Integrated Learning Books.

Your work needs to be proofread and checked for mistakes before Friday.

Minimum: 1 page

2. Spelling

3. Maths Buddy

Complete maths tasks set by your maths teacher.

4. Reading log

Continue to record your time spent/chapters read each night in your diaries this week.

5. 40 Hour Famine - Reflections

If you participated in the 40 Hour Famine this year, well done!

Mrs Kerr has said she would love to see you submit a reflection of how your 40 Hour Famine weekend went. You can post photos and videos too if you choose to.

See the link below to add your own padlet (it is private).

Have a great week, Room 15!

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