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T2 W9 - Teamwork

Due: Friday 1st July

Hi Room 15,

This week's focus is teamwork. You've already completed one group project this term and by now I'm sure you are well underway with your second group project which is the 'Short Film Challenge'.

1. Short Film Reflection

On a Google Doc, complete the following reflection:

You are about one week into your Short Film Challenge. Please write a reflection on how you think things are going so far.

Title: Short Film Reflection (Planning & Preparation Stages)

Some questions to consider:

- What success has my team had this week?

- What skills do I bring to my team?

- Have there been any challenges/obstacles my group have faced? What did we do about them?

- Looking at the writing above ('Qualities of a Good Team Member'), do I think I fit that description? Why/Why not?

- Is there anything I could do better to be a more helpful/effective team member?

2. Comprehension & Vocabulary

Read 'Assignment Fiasco' by Lisa Thompson.

In your Integrated Learning Books (front) or on a Google Doc in your Home Learning Folder, complete the following activity:

*Remember to use full sentences that reflect your full understanding.

Assignment Fiasco

3. Spelling

Learn words and definitions for Term 2, Week 9.

Congratulations to those who moved groups this week!

4. Maths

Complete your weekly Maths Buddy tasks set by your maths teacher.

Have a great week!

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Room 15 - 2016

Somerville Intermediate School

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