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T2 W10 - Speech Preparation

Hi Room 15,

Can't believe Term 2 is almost at an end! Congratulations on all you have achieved so far. You all deserve a nice holiday break!

As you know, next term we will begin preparing for our class speeches. You will have three options of speech genres to choose from:

- Informative

- Entertaining

- Persuasive

1. Speech Prep

Your Home Learning task this week is to watch both of the videos below. On a Doc, answer the following questions about one of the videos to help you prepare for your own speech:

- What did you enjoy about the speech? E.g. topic, passion, eye contact, gestures etc

- What did you notice about his use of voice? E.g. expression, pace, volume etc

Underneath your answers, include a brainstorm about topics you may wish to speak about.


Option 1:

Finnian Galbraith - The Importance of Pronouncing Maori Words

Option 2:

Joshua Losefa - Brown Brother

2. Spelling

- No Spelling this week.

3. Maths Buddy

- Complete tasks set by your Maths Teacher.

4. E-Portfolios

- Refer to the checklist sent out last week to ensure your E-Portfolio is up to date. This week you need to share your learning with someone at home and ask them to leave you a comment on a new piece of work.

We will be sharing some of these comments with the class on Friday!

Enjoy your last week of term!

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